Thursday, June 2, 2011

Out All Day

We were supposed to go bike riding. Tee suggested changing trails, but where we rent the bikes is right around the street from the trail. The other trails are out of the way. We would have to ride in heavy traffic to get there and that's not safe.

Instead of bike riding, we walked at my favorite spot Lake Bottom. There were four of us and the temperature was over 90 degrees. It was too hot. The first lap around, I walked the stairs 3 times. We walked the half again and I finished all 5 stairs.

After that, we went to eat lunch. No, it wasn't healthy, but one has to eat right? When we finished eating we set outside the restaurant and talked. My friend suggested going to do the stairs again, I was with that. We walked 5 more times, so to total, I did 10 stairs.

My lunch
mashed potatoes
black eyed peas
macaroni and cheese

Don't feel hungry. I also have bought healthy snacks. There are strawberries and cherries in the refrigerator. Another thing, I have been cooking healthy meals. No, I haven't lost the weight, but I am making changes.

Looking back over the post, which haven't been many, it's the same thing. Trying to stay below 170 lbs. I am doing something wrong. To make it worse picking up these bad habits and increasing others. 36 is around the corner and there are many unhealthy lifestyle changes that I have picked up. This is too sad, the changes have taken a toll on me overall.

Things will get better, they always due. Take it slow and remember the body is a machine and it will deteriorate.

Monday, May 30, 2011

181 Where Did This Come From?

For the last few months, I have done nothing. Absolutely nothing. The other day my friends and I went bike riding. We rented our bikes and rode 19 miles to Ft. Benning from Downtown. Really needed that ride. Today, I walked the stairs at Columbus 5 times. The other day, I actually stretched, haven't done that in a while either. So not going to make any plans to get this weight off just going to do what I can do to make it work.

Another thing, changed what I have been eating. Been eating unhealthy snacks like donuts and chips and dip. Make a change. Starting to cook. Got to stay healthy about to be 36 in a few months. Healthy lifestyle!