Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Weight has been Staying Down

Time keeps moving and this weight loss thing is very interesting. Due to some mishaps in my life, my weight has been staying below 170 lbs. So proud of that, but not proud of the reason why. The highest my weight has been is 172 lb. After a few days it's back at 161-165 lbs. Truthfully, I need to go shopping, been giving away many pants and skirts. Plus, the weather has changed.

Currently, I need to do the GM Diet because I have not been eating healthy. Not at all. Need to clean out my system. Taking medicine, not eating, eating the wrong things, all of these things does not do the body good. There are so many things that I want to avoid in my life. For instance, cancer, diabetes, heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, etc. I don't need any of these things in my life.

Even though, eating the right foods does help prevent many illnesses we must remember that stress can cause issues as well. Do what you can to eliminate drama in your life. Try to live a peaceful and caring life. Remember we are a whole body, we must treat ourselves right completely.

During this time in my life, I started being motivated and doing something physical daily. Now, all I do is come home and do nothing. Bad habits have reared their ugly face. All things in moderation. No stretching, no walking, no bike riding, no yoga, no accupuncture, no nothing, but heartache and tears. This entire situation has aged me. I see it in my eyes and others do too.

Ride bike trainer at least 5-10 minutes a day
stretch daily
start yoga again
go back to accupuncture
leg raises

I will get myself back together. I just don't know when!