Friday, December 12, 2014

Slowly, but Surely

The GM diet is what I've been doing this last week.  Haven't been following it to a t, but I have lost 6 lbs.  I'm very excited about that.  It has been hard work, now I'm under 200 lbs.  Good job!  I made the cabbage soup and been eating that daily.  I'm using Noom to assist with my diet plan.  It has given me until April to get to 170 lbs.  Healthy is what I'm trying to achieve.  It can be done and I'm working toward doing it.  Have to be able to get into my 12s.

Friday, December 5, 2014

My How Times Brings a Change

It's been a really long time since I posted here.  I have many blogs and don't use them at all.  They should be used to my advantage, but life happens as other things.  The problem that I'm having is:  I am 5 months postpartum and I can't seem to lose this weight.  Yes, I just had a baby, but I don't want it to go to far.  I understand that it took several months to put on the weight and it's going to take several to lose it.  There has got to be a better way.  Along with this, I am breastfeeding and it seems my appetite will not stop.  Forever hungry.

There are several solutions:  Exercise, which I haven't done in almost a year.  Change my eating habits to vegetables and fruits, not over eating.  Pace myself and take this serious, because this is a serious thing.  I know that I am over 200 lbs. and that is not cute, by a long shot.

In order to get my life, weight, and health under control there has to be some drastic changes.  First, take one day at a time.  Do what I can.  Follow the above guide lines and focus on what's important.  My body.

I can do this.  At first, I was bothered because I lost the weight and picked it back up.  Now, it's an uphill battle that I'm losing.  I can do this, yes, I can.  No feeling sorry for myself.  Also, getting adjusted to my new life is part of the problem too.  It's alright, I give myself until his birthday to be back to normal.

Another thing, accountability is my issue.  I've been eating and eating and it just doesn't stop.  Yesterday, I had not one, but 2 McGriddles for breakfast.  So, eating habits must change.  Add a little exercise in there to.  My flexibility has gone to the wolves.  Sad, very!

I've started to do some exercise with the baby and he loves it.  Now, it needs to become a habit, part of my life.  I can do this, I keep telling myself, but it's easier to just do nothing.

grits and 2 sausages

salad with french dressing, mandarin oranges, fries

Let's see what dinner brings.  I didn't post my weight because I don't know it, but I do know it's over 200 lbs.  Ssshhh, don't tell nobody!