Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Something to be Proud of

Weight: 179 lbs.

I see a big change in my body even when I overeat. For instance, my hour glass is coming back. I have less fat on my arms. My clothes are fitting my differently. When people see me they can tell that I have lost some weight. That is a sign of progress.

chicken, rice, and vegetable bake
2 slices of cake (sheet cake)
turkey burger with cheese and salsa

40 squats some using 20 lbs.
10 lunges with 20 lbs.
30 leg raises with pilates ball
20 scissors
40 different arm exercises using 10 lb. weights.

I took pictures with my mother today! That felt good. We don't really do much together, but I am proud that I still have her around.

I got my hair done this weekend. That was truly needed and I deserved that treatment!

This is Harder Then it Looks
Eating right takes time and effort! It is so easy to put it on, but so hard to take it off. I want to thank the support that I have from everyone in my inner circle. I know that I can do it. It just takes mental stimulation and preparation. I should ride my trainer, but you know that I don't feel like it. I actually have a headache. That's alright. Healthy lifestyle is what I am seeking.

Monday, March 30, 2009

I did it to Myself

Weight: 181.2 lbs.

I admit, I did it to myself. There are some things not to be discussed and this is one of them, but I truly understand why I put on the 4 extra pounds and I didn't do anything more. Well, in respect of that I was overeating for the last couple of weeks. No exercising no nothing, just eating and sleeping. That is it! Has the determination left? I am to far in the game to actually do better. My mind set has been distorted? Really the problem lays in me. I am the only one that can fix this dilema.

0 point Progresso soup added vegetables and rice
2 fried drumsticks
1 turkey burger with cheese and salsa

50 squats
10 minutes bike trainer
10 lunges
arm exercises with 10 lb weights

Laziness will not bring forth Results
Honestly, I don't feel like doing anything. Just putting that out there. There will not be any results without action. That I do understand.

Everyday, I say, I am going to do better, but there is something that I want. Break that bad habit. I have cooked for the next few days. There is always tomorrow. Here I go off to do my exercises, maybe I can burn off a chicken leg or the turkey burger something is always good.

I can see the extra 7 lbs. That is sad, but talking about it is not going to make it go away.

Monday, March 23, 2009

There is Still Less of Me

The weight thing is really getting on my last nerves. Yesterday, I didn't overeat I know, but I gained the weight back. Thinking of what I did wrong, I really can't decide on where there was a problem. Was it the mashed potatoes, the black eyed peas. I really don't know, but this morning when I weighed myself I was 178 lb. What happened? This is strange. I haven't been exercising like I was supposed too, but I have been eating right.

Weight: 178 lbs.

chicken & artichoke lean pocket
rice & mixed vegetables
2 chili dogs

40 scissors
arm exercising using 10 lb. weights
25 leg lefts with Pilates ball

As always, will have to see what the morning brings. I wanted to get some Captain D's, but I didn't. Weakness is sometimes an issue. Must move on from that. Am I really working toward my goal of weight loss? Do I need to up my exercise? I think I do.

Up and downs are always my friend. The morning will be here soon! Move on and do what I can with what I have.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

16 lbs. Lighter

There is less of me and I am so proud. The exercises and food changes have really made a difference. Yesterday, I did not eat much, but I was full.

Weight: 174

For making it to this point, I get my nails done. A mini celebration!

Today was a good day.

broccoli, cheese, & onion omelet
side salad and mashed potatoes
1/2 chicken breast, mixed vegetables, & black eyed peas

arm curls 10 lbs.

Saturday, March 21

Weight: 177

broccoli and cheese omelet
1 fried wing, rice with broccoli and cream of mushroom soup
KFC's fried spicy wings

Friday, March 20

Campbell wild rice soup
Tilipia and mashed potatoes
plate of ribs
2 hot dogs

This was bad. I should have stopped on the plate of ribs. Even though the food choice was horrible, I didn't gain any weight.

Eating Right & Exercising
Eating right and exercising has really worked for me. I know how to stop eating when I am full. Taking my lunch to work and fixing breakfast saves money and allows me to eat the things I like.

Weight loss is hard, but putting my mind to it has made me realize I can do anything. Focusing on what is important and putting the nonsense behind helps to stay focused on what's important.

I don't know if I will have lost 25 lbs. by the end of the month. Even if I haven't I will continue to work toward my goal. Healthy living is what I am working toward. Getting into pants I haven't worn in 6 months that is what I am forward to.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Did I do the Right Thing Today?

Weight: 176 lbs.

0 point Progresso soup
1/2 piece tilapia & 2 servings of mashed potatoes
1/2 cheese burger f& fries

40 scissors
30 leg raises
arm exercises with 10 lb. weights

The day started out normal. Stopped at Piggly Wiggly and bought my breakfast, 0 point Progresso vegetable soup. There were donuts, did I get one, no I didn't. I was proud of that, but I had coffee instead. So which one was worse? Lunch was good. After school, I went to a track meet, that is where I had the fast food. I know. I wasn't hungry when I got home, but I had to eat the spaghetti.

My prediction, is I may go up some, but only the morning can tell. With the workout, I don't know if it will be enough to lose weight, but it will assist with toning. I should have done some squats, but I didn't feel up to it.

I was excited about what I accomplished and today I may have blown it. I am still in the running though. The morning will be here soon, that will be the determining factor.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I Think Success was My Friend Today

Weight: 177 lbs.

The day was good. My teeth hurt. New wire and power chain for braces, so my mouth hurts. All of the food that I have eaten today has been soft. I don't know how long my mouth is going to hurt, but I am going to seize the moment.

potatoes, grits, eggs, 2 sausage links
chicken salad (lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, 1 boiled egg, 1 slice of bacon)
1/2 piece tilapia, mixed vegetables, mashed potatoes

40 scissors
40 minute walk and stairs
10 back kicks
10 side kicks

Overall, things are good! We will see what the morning brings.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I Really Don't Know

Good evening! The day started out wonderful. My weight this morning was 177.4 lbs. That is 1 lb. below where I was yesterday. Of course, the day went on and things occurred. I will have to see what the morning brings.

Today's Food
1 boiled egg 1 slice of bacon

Honey and Oates bar

shrimp broccoli and pinwheel pasta

2 servings Spaghetti and green beans

Too Much Spaghetti
The two helpings of spaghetti was to much. Instead of two helpings of spaghetti, I should have had more green beans and a smaller portion of spaghetti. It's over with now, no need to worry about past decisions. My belly feels as if I may have over eaten. I am not too sure. When I got home I did a little workout. I may need to do some more, but I don't know right now.

60 scissors
20 squats with 10 lb. weights
5 minutes bike trainer
10 back kicks with both legs
10 side leg lifts both legs
various arm exercises with 10 lb. weights

Sabotage is the Set Up
Sleepy is currently my friend. My mind is telling me that I need to do something else, like ride my bike or some sit ups or something, but I just don't feel like it. That is sad. Is this self sabotage? It may be, why am I afraid of success? Not only is this a weight thing, this also filters into other aspects of my life.

Last night I went to bed hungry, tonight I am going to bed full. Will there ever be a happy medium?

Tomorrow is another day. I have to get up on time. When the alarm goes off I have to get a move on it. I will start fixing breakfast as soon as I get up.

Tomorrow's Meals
I probably will have an egg and slice of bacon for lunch. If I get up in time I may cook a chicken breast and cut up some lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumbers for a chicken salad (that's light). Dinner may consist of tilapia, mixed vegetables, and potatoes. It just depends on what the day brings.

Motivation Do I have that?
Motivation is one of my key problems. This gives me a venue to talk about my personal concerns, let downs, triumphs, exercises, food menus, and other things dealing with my health and weight. I am just thankful to have this outlet. As I stated before, tomorrow is a new day and I am willing to make it work.

Monday, March 16, 2009

How was my Day?

My day was decent. Weight this morning: 178.4

Breakfast: chicken and artichoke lean pocket
Lunch: steak, rice, and broccoli
Dinner: turkey salad, with tomatos, cucumbers, and shredded cheese

40 leg lifts with pilates ball
40 squats with pilates ball
15 minutes bike trainer
30 scissors (leg)
worked out arms with 10 lb. weights

I am hungry right now, but it will be alright! I figured I may get hungry later and I did, but I know what my ultimate goal is. Lose weight in a healthy manner. I don't have anything quick and light to eat in the kitchen. Instead, I will drink water. I didn't have that much at work today! This feeling of hunger will pass. It needs to now, but that is a part of losing weight. If I eat, I will over do it, that is something that I don't want to do.

The weekends tend to be a big part of my problem. All of the downing myself stops here. Ok, I may be hard on myself some more, but I don't mean any harm.

Even though I have been overeating I don't go above 180. That is something to celebrate. If I do, it doesn't last long.

I got to 176 lbs. that didn't last too long, but I am over that.

I was able to wear a pair of pants comfortably that I haven't gotten into in about 6 months.

Overall, there are minor and major celebrations to this weight loss thing. It can be depressing, but one thing I have learned is if you fall off get back up again. If at first you don't succeed try try again.

I don't know if I will be 165 by the end of the month, but I am going to do my best to get there. This is a mental, physical, and emotional journey that I have undertaken and I will win.
Let's see what tomorrow will bring, I am just curious, due to the lack of food and the addition of exercise.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Times are Hard

There has been this thought of creating a blog for my weight loss. So today, I decided that it is really needed. I am the type of person that tends to sabotage my efforts. At the end of the December I weighed 190 lbs. I don't know what I weigh right now, but all together, I have lost 14 lbs. I was doing good until about 1 week ago. I really don't know what happened. Taking that back, I am what happened. My goal is to be 165 lbs. I know I can do it. It is a matter of being determined and eating right and exercising.

How Did I lose the 14 lbs?
I refused to pay someone to help me with my weight loss. So, I purchased a trainer for my bicycle (this is something I added to my bike to make it stationary). I started riding it daily, at first I could only ride for 5 minutes. Now, I can ride for 30 minutes straight. Squats and lunges in the morning with pilates ball and leg lifts with pilates ball. Stretching is always a friend.

My Daily Meal Plan
Breakfast: 2 turkey sausages
Lunch: vegetables, rice, and small portion of meat
Dinner: salad

It may be different, but this is what I try to eat daily. One thing I can say is that I got into a pair of pants I haven't been able to fit in about 6 months. That was a very rewarding goal. Now, it is a matter of doing what is right for me at this time in my life. Losing weight in a healthy manner.

What I ate Today
Breakfast: 2 turkey sausages and scrambled eggs
Lunch: shrimp and broccoli pinwheel pasta (several servings)
Dinner: chicken and artichoke lean pocket

I know that is awful, I want tell you what I ate yesterday. I can't hold on to yesterday, it is gone like dust in the wind. Today is gone too, tomorrow is coming and it all starts tomorrow.

My Weight Today
181.2 lbs.

Did I forget to mention that I want to be 165 by the end of the month? See, I told you I sabotage myself every time.

Morning: 40 leg raises, 40 squats, 20 lunges
Evening: 30 minutes bike trainer, 40 leg raises, 40 squats, 20 lunges

Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs
Lunch: shrimp broccoli pinwheel pasta
Dinner: steak, broccoli, and rice

This will help me stay accountable with my weightloss. I know I can do it and this will make me accountable to my eating and healthy habits.