Saturday, February 9, 2013

Much has Happened

Many things have happened since the last time I posted.  For instance, I found out I had thyroid cancer in January 2012.  I had the lump removed off of my neck and in April of 2012, I found out I was cancer free.  During that time, I had to be on a thyroid cancer diet.  Now, a year has passed and things are much better, but I still have to take thyroid medicine for the rest of my life. 

Since all of these things have passed, I constantly have to go to the doctor to get my blood checked.  In doing this, I found out that I am insulin resistant.  That means that within the next few years I could become diabetic.  No, I don't eat surgery foods, but my weakness is pasta and rice.  Things have to get better. 

My weight has gone down and I am glad of that, but I most defiantly have to change my eating habits.  More fruits and vegetables and less pasta and rice. 

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