Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I Really Don't Know

Good evening! The day started out wonderful. My weight this morning was 177.4 lbs. That is 1 lb. below where I was yesterday. Of course, the day went on and things occurred. I will have to see what the morning brings.

Today's Food
1 boiled egg 1 slice of bacon

Honey and Oates bar

shrimp broccoli and pinwheel pasta

2 servings Spaghetti and green beans

Too Much Spaghetti
The two helpings of spaghetti was to much. Instead of two helpings of spaghetti, I should have had more green beans and a smaller portion of spaghetti. It's over with now, no need to worry about past decisions. My belly feels as if I may have over eaten. I am not too sure. When I got home I did a little workout. I may need to do some more, but I don't know right now.

60 scissors
20 squats with 10 lb. weights
5 minutes bike trainer
10 back kicks with both legs
10 side leg lifts both legs
various arm exercises with 10 lb. weights

Sabotage is the Set Up
Sleepy is currently my friend. My mind is telling me that I need to do something else, like ride my bike or some sit ups or something, but I just don't feel like it. That is sad. Is this self sabotage? It may be, why am I afraid of success? Not only is this a weight thing, this also filters into other aspects of my life.

Last night I went to bed hungry, tonight I am going to bed full. Will there ever be a happy medium?

Tomorrow is another day. I have to get up on time. When the alarm goes off I have to get a move on it. I will start fixing breakfast as soon as I get up.

Tomorrow's Meals
I probably will have an egg and slice of bacon for lunch. If I get up in time I may cook a chicken breast and cut up some lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumbers for a chicken salad (that's light). Dinner may consist of tilapia, mixed vegetables, and potatoes. It just depends on what the day brings.

Motivation Do I have that?
Motivation is one of my key problems. This gives me a venue to talk about my personal concerns, let downs, triumphs, exercises, food menus, and other things dealing with my health and weight. I am just thankful to have this outlet. As I stated before, tomorrow is a new day and I am willing to make it work.

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