Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Losing is Half the Battle

Weight: 177 lbs.

I came down due to following my guidelines yesterday. I am proud. I know that you are supposed to eat, but when you are full from a previous meal what to do? I didn't eat dinner yesterday due to all of what I ate for lunch. I stopped and bought some chicken broth to drink, but I didn't need it because I was still full. I am proud of that. I have been here several times and I sabatoge myself often. This is what I am striving to not do this time. This time will be different I promise to myself. You know it is so easy to let yourself down. I wonder why that is so. Disappointment should not be my friend, but I know it very well. I think we need to discontinue our relationship. It only leads to heartache and pain. I don't need that at this point in my life. Moving forward is my biggest concern. Happiness will be my new friend.

1 boiled egg and 1 slice of bacon
chili over rice and mixed vegetables
rice mixed vegetables with shrimp
thin slice of chocolate cake

70 scissors
10 lunges with 10 lb. weights
various arm exercises
30 leg lifts with pilates ball
push ups on pilates ball
30 butt lifts

As always, as the day continue I will post more. Have a wonderful day! Day what you can with what you have. Be positive and positivity will follow. You deserve to be the best you possible. Don't hold on, let it go, it will be alright.

eyebrows waxed
10 minute massage in mall

How I Really Feel
I feel wonderful. I know I can be successful, it is just a matter of doing what is best for my overall health. As always, I don't know what tomorrow will bring. I feel that I need to do more, but there is no but it is a matter of staying focused and doing what is right. Tomorrow is another day and regardless of what it may bring I know that I can achieve my goals. If I don't lose, I will be disappointed but it is not the end of the world.

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